A Cross Sectional Analysis on Knowledge and Attitudes towards HPV Vaccines among Female Youth in Jakarta, Indonesia

Hertina Silaban *

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Gorga I.V.W Udjung

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Abitmer Gultom

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Tamariska Rose Aline

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: This research aims to obtain an overview of the knowledge and attitudes of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding the HPV vaccine as a prevention of cervical cancer.

Methodology: This research used descriptive analytical cross-sectional data analysis with a quantitative approach. It was conducted at SMAN 14 Jakarta using a sample survey technique. Questionnaires based on the Slovin formula were distributed via g-form to 81 respondents, and the data was processed using univariate analysis.

Results: 1) An overview of the knowledge of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding the HPV vaccine as a prevention of cervical cancer is that four respondents (4.9%) are in a good category, 63 respondents (77.8%) are in the sufficient category, and 14 respondents (17.3%) are in the poor category; 2) An overview of the knowledge of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding cervical cancer is that 13 respondents (16.05%) are in the excellent category, 66 respondents (81.48%) are in the sufficient category, and two respondents (2.47%) are in the poor category.; 3) An overview of the knowledge of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding risk factors for cervical cancer is that 31 respondents (38.27%) are in the excellent category, 39 respondents (48.15%) are in the sufficient category, and 11 respondents (13.58%) are in the poor category; 4) An overview of the knowledge of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding the benefits and timing of giving the HPV vaccine is that five respondents (6.17%) are in the excellent category, 49 respondents (60.49%) are in the sufficient category, and 27 respondents (33.34%) are in the poor category; 5) The description of the attitude of female students at SMAN 14 Jakarta regarding the HPV vaccine as a prevention of cervical cancer is that 42 people (51.85%) were in the excellent category and 39 respondents (48.15%) were in the fair category.

Conclusion: From the research results, it was found that in terms of knowledge about the HPV vaccine as a prevention of cervical cancer, the majority of students were still in the sufficient category (77.8%), while in terms of attitudes, only half of the students had good attitudes or views regarding vaccines. HPV as prevention of cervical cancer. So it can be concluded that efforts are still needed to disseminate information and increase awareness among female students about the importance of preventing cervical cancer, one of which is through vaccination activities.

Keywords: Cervical cancer, HPV vaccine, knowledge, attitudes

How to Cite

Silaban , Hertina, Gorga I.V.W Udjung, Abitmer Gultom, and Tamariska Rose Aline. 2024. “A Cross Sectional Analysis on Knowledge and Attitudes towards HPV Vaccines Among Female Youth in Jakarta, Indonesia”. Asian Research Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 7 (1):106-18. https://journalarjgo.com/index.php/ARJGO/article/view/215.


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